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Final grade

Hi there. You are actually in a simple css flex-box learning landing page. If you want to open some other self-learning language skills be free to open it and diggit. Also you can open my github and use it with propper license.

If you want to contact me for some reason, please look for me on linkedin. I will respond as soon as I can.

Let me to tell you some of my actually skills:

  • Javascript developer +4y.
  • NextJs, Express with Js or TS
  • Golang Bakender (18mo.)
  • Skilled with Angular
  • Skilled with Vue + TS
  • Knowing React
  • Skilled with Git
  • Using Jira + Bitbucket
  • Unit testing, high coverage
  • Pull requests, Code reviews,...

Some clients just recommend this developer

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user 1

Nick Smith

Feb 23rd, 2021

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga doloremque architecto dicta animi.
user 1

Mary Thomas

Apr 12th, 2021


This is a nice hover effect!